Saturday 21 January 2012

AdSense or AdNonsense?

Hi Everyone,

So I've been working on a new blog layout/design (please bear with me, it's taking me a while as my HTML skills have gotten a little rusty over the years). For some of you that are members on the community will know that I've opened up a talk about AdSense.

For those of you who haven't seen it, and those of you that are not part of the community, I'd like to ask:
is AdSense (or similar) worth it? Or is it just annoying when you visit blogs with advertisements on them?

Also, if there are other advertising programs, similar to AdSense, around, please feel free to recommend them. I'm trying to decide IF I want to advertise, and what advertising provider to use.

Thanks Everyone, it's just a short one for now.

But As Always, Stay Tuned!

- A

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