Wednesday, 18 January 2012

So Much to Do and So Little Time!

Hi Everyone,

today I came to realise how little time I actually have left here at home! There are so many things I wanted to do before I move:

- Pack everything (need to decide what to take now and what will be delivered later on!)
- Read 2 books
- Complete the outline to my own book so that everything is planned and all I have to do is actually write it
- Catalogue my entire wardrobe into one iPhone app
- Begin the job search again
- Rewrite my CV/update it
- Write a new cover letter
- Create an entirely new layout for my blog & promote it some more
- Finish watching the entire show of Friends

The above list is just a fraction of all the things I wanted to get done, and with only 2 and a half weeks left before I leave, I cannot find enough time in one day to finish all that and find time to exercise for at least one hour and also write at least one blog post!
I realise some things on that list are less important, like reading and watching friends etc. But I did really want to finish everything before leaving again.

Another problem I've found is the fact that I am currently sleeping so much more (as I have no job routine) and also trying to sleep the days away until I finally get to see my boyfriend again. It's aggravating when time is against you, and yet you still find yourself wishing that time away.

I'm prioritising and have used the calendar on my phone to plan everything I NEED to get done before I move, meaning if I get stuff done by my "deadline" I'll have time for the other stuff too. Of course there are things I can take with me to do back in London, but I did really want to avoid taking unnecessary things like books with me when (as I've mentioned in a previous blog post), I've only got 2 suitcases to work with for the time being.

Anyway, that's all from me for today!

As Always, Stay Tuned!

- A

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