Saturday, 14 April 2012

Louis Vuitton Sunglasses, Apologies And Other Things In Life

Hi Everyone,

I will be dedicating this post to various things, amongst them: Louis Vuitton Sunglasses, Mobile Phones, and Apologies!

So firstly, I must apologise for not posting anything on here for over a month now, work has taken over my life, and when I'm not at work, I'm busy spending time with my boyfriend. Here's what's been going on in my life:

I've been at my new job for 4 weeks now, and so far I am enjoying it. The work isn't necessarily mind blowing, but it is still interesting and I am learning more and more each day. Unfortunately it's all so confidential that I can't even tell my boyfriend about the clients I am working on, which is annoying as some really interesting stuff is happening.
Other than that, everyone is really nice at work, a lot of people have already left the company however, but new people are getting hired as well, meaning it's not just me in the newbie position now.
Compared to the company I used to work for, this company is pretty awesome. They do a lot of out of work socialising, and the vibe and atmosphere at work is pretty relaxed and friendly. You do, of course, get the odd annoying person, but that's normal. There isn't anybody at work, who isn't likeable, which is really great.

Appart from work, I've been visiting new places in and around London, such as Richmond Park, which is really nice. I've also managed to convince my Dad to bring the rest of my things to London, so I finally have all of my clothes and shoes back now, thankfully!

Other than that, not much has been going on. I've been trying to decide on what phone to get next, as I want to get a new contract soon. I'm thinking iPhone 4S, or the Samsung Galaxy Note. Any suggestions on the matter are of course welcome as I do need help on the subject, so please don't hesitate to leave a comment!
Also, if you have any suggestions on which mobile phone network to use, please advise me on this, it would really help!

Other than that, I saw some GORGEOUS Louis Vuitton Sunglasses on the website:

Louis Vuitton Sunglasses

Other than that, there's not much to say! Hope you are all having an awesome weekend!

As Always, Stay Tuned!

- A


  1. Isn't it nice to now have to compartmentalize your life...Work, Home, Sightseeing...all exciting. And even more so, when you have to have your time set aside for everything you want to do. Enjoy!!

    1. Yeah, it's also great to have a routine, as the weekends are now so precious, getting up at ridiculous times like 12pm is no longer an option. I can't sleep past 9.30am now, which is great because I don't waste the day!

  2. I'm glad you're happy in your new job! That is annoying about confidentiality though...I'm not sure I could stick to it! I would burst!

    New follower from 'Blog Catalog'...would love you to check out my blog too :-) It is

    Great blog! x

    1. Thanks for your comment! Yes it is quite difficult to stick to the confidentiality at times, but it has to be done! It's okay since I can talk to people at work about it :)

      Great blog to you too, I followed it :) x

  3. Hiya, great blog, I've followed you back!!
